Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Using the "F" bomb

So, Rose is back in school and she has to attend her regular classes. What a life. But into her second period, she encounters a teacher who is not being all to nice to her, and she is holding back her language. It would have been fine if that was all it was, but this is a book for teenagers. Like it makes a world of a difference. The book actually says "I felt my cheeks burning red, but in self-control, I stopped myself from telling him to fuck off". I like reading books. I like that they make thing mature, but swearing is not mature. This book may be directed at teens, but we all know sixth graders and eighth graders are going to want to read this, because it's whats popular right now. I'm 17 years old, a teenager, almost an adult by most standers, and i don't want to read a book that complains about daily life, I do that enough, and I dont want to read a book with the "F" bomb in it.

~ Until another time then

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