Thursday, November 10, 2011


okay, Dear Rose
saying "bitch" does not solve anything, stop saying. It's annoying and hurtful. Your not being any better then the girls you call a "bitch". Talk to me when you have a little more wit in your body.

Love has nothing on logic

So only Moroi and dhampir's can have kids together and it relies on the whole raises survival that the two have kids. But god forbid two dhampir's happen to fall in love and run away together. If they do, people hate them. Apparently its immoral for the two races to have feelings for one another!


Obviously Rose does not like how people get addicted to the feeling they get to having there blood sucked. Any other time, I may have laughed at this, but I'm analyzing the book and I do not approve of it tossing around words like that...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Researching is good

Upon research, I find out that Vampire Academy book is for young adult. Which are 17 at youngest and older. We all know that that is so not the case when your in seventh grade. What is popular is what you want to read. And the Vampire Academy books were certainly popular. This changes how I look at this whole thing. It boggles  my mind why my school or others schools don't put this book in an older section or label it as so. I guess it is up the librarian...

Friday, November 4, 2011

High like a kight

So Rose was daydreaming about an old teacher she had when she came back to reality. The two boys she was with were talking about a party and they wanted to persuade Rose to sneak out with them. Good thing for her, she declined. The boys were talking about smoking weed like its anormal teengae thing. It's really not, depending on who you are. I personally am agenst drug use, like pot. I didn't particuarily like this part of the book...

~until later

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Questing a God

At this point, I read that Rose only agrees to believe in God as long as she gets to sleep in on Sunday. Now, I'm no God lover myself, but she's making it seem cool or okay to believe in God as long as you got something out of it. That's awesome....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Party Rock It

LETS ALL GET DRUNK AT A ROYAL PARTY!! WOOO! That's what I got from reading the next passage. Lisa, who is a royal vampire I have found out (though it did say in the first chapter she was), wants to go to Royal parties like her dead brother did, another thing I recently found out. This book likes to spring things on doesn't explain well...ANY WHO! Rose is a lower class vampire called  Mroi and Lisa is a higher class called Dhampir. Then there are the Strigoi, that you never hear about until later int the book. And Lisa is Royal and is supposed to go to the special parties where people/vampire get drunk and wild and Lisa wants to go and Rose wont let her being her guardian. How sad. Rose would love to go out and get drunk and firt with all the boy because she has that beautiful body. I don't like where this is going....

Until another time...

Friday, October 14, 2011


So Lissa and Rose are in lunch and they are talking to some old friends. Rose spotted the "sexiest" boy in school. The she goes on and thinks about her own figure. She has big boobs and nice hip. She is one sexy fox compared to the other flat chested girls with no hips. So from reading this, boobs and hips is the only way to appeal to men and that's what every girl wants. Yup, I totally want my kid reading that. No.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Lost to Narnia

So I have this book that I carry around with me to school, my classes, and home again. Last Thursday, it disappeared around lunch time. I thought that I had forgotten it in my third block class. The next day, I hurried over to my third block class to retrieve my book only to find that I had not left it there. Frustrated, my mind started thinking that it had been stolen. Kidnaped per say. This was the third time this has happened to me! I was a little upset. At lunch, I looked around the commons to look for any sign of it. No luck. Fourth block hit and it was almost the end of the day (my school has four blocks instead of 8 periods, less homework). I mopped around forth block and headed over to my boyfriends to spend some time there. All weekend, I wondered who would take my book? It was the school's book too. Come Monday, I headed back to the library where the real Narnia was. I spoke to my librarian and she said that someone had found it in the commons and brought it in. I didn't feel so smart at that moment. I was glad to know it was okay,  but i would have to wait until lunch to get it back.

Narnia 3 : Me 0

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Using the "F" bomb

So, Rose is back in school and she has to attend her regular classes. What a life. But into her second period, she encounters a teacher who is not being all to nice to her, and she is holding back her language. It would have been fine if that was all it was, but this is a book for teenagers. Like it makes a world of a difference. The book actually says "I felt my cheeks burning red, but in self-control, I stopped myself from telling him to fuck off". I like reading books. I like that they make thing mature, but swearing is not mature. This book may be directed at teens, but we all know sixth graders and eighth graders are going to want to read this, because it's whats popular right now. I'm 17 years old, a teenager, almost an adult by most standers, and i don't want to read a book that complains about daily life, I do that enough, and I dont want to read a book with the "F" bomb in it.

~ Until another time then

Monday, October 3, 2011

Reading in at Chapter 2

So Lissa and Rose get captured by the guys from St. Vladimir's Academy and the two cant be by each other or they'll plain an escape. Because two teenage girls are dangerous. Yeah, no. They were taken down once, it'll happen again. But when they got to St. V Academy, there was a long winded explanation of how the school looked because that is relevant to the story. It's not. Then the two were being lectured about leaving the school for two years and destroying school property before they left. Rose was being threatened that she was going to be kicked out of the school, but instead, she got extra tanning and no social life. How horrible. And there are curse words being tossed around like "damn" and "pissed"...well pissed is not really a swear word, but its not used in regular conversation. Curing does not make you seem cooler, it makes you seem intelligent and angry. It's easy to say the "F" words, but it takes smarts to come up with something better.

~until next time....


I'm reading the first chapter and already I see something that could be questionable. To start off, a girl is having a dream about a good looking fellow putting suntan lotion on her back on a beach. Then she picked up on her roommates dream about a horrible car crash. She wakes up and runs over to wake up her room mate, Lissa. And the main character'd idea of calming her roommate down is having Lissa drink her blood. So I assume one is a vampire, Lissa, and the other is a human, name yet to be discovered. So Lissa drink's this girls blood and it's apparently way better then sex, but it's okay, the main character started that she has not "done it" yet. Yeah, okay. So in this process, I found out that the main character's name is Rose, classic name here. So right off the bat, we got some lesbian acting going here (personally, I have nothing agents gay, lesbian, or bi people). Now I see why it could be questionable, especially in Texas of all places. They got caught by some unnamed characters and now they have to leave there now calmed dorm room on some college campus. And as i guessed, they get caught. Now we find out that Lissa is some kind of vampire princess and the two have to retune to St. Vladimir's Academy. Classic vampire name. Really now? moving a little fast for the first chapter no?

~Until another time I suppose...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Vampire Academy

Starting Vampire Academy
I'm going to start reading Vampire Academy for my banned book project. I learned that Vampire Academy is banned in a Texas school. I don't know why yet though, but I am planning on researching for the reason why. I also learned that the entire House of Night series is also banned from the same school. I have an idea that the reason behind it was challenging religion and having to do with magic.